Sagging trees and fence posts, and water pooling in your yard. Walls and ceilings in your home that develop gaps and separations. Slanted, sagging, or bulging floors. Windows that stick and doors that jam. Cabinet doors and drawers that won’t open or close properly. All of these are signs that a sinkhole could be lurking on your property (See: 3 Warning Signs That You May Have a Sinkhole).

If you’ve seen several of these signs in your home and around your property there’s no need to panic. Check with your neighbors to see if they, or anyone else, have noticed any sinkhole activity nearby. You can also reach out to Michigan’s Geological Survey office, which tracks and maintains records of sinkhole events.

Based on your findings, and any of the conditions below, consider these measured options for investigation and action to ensure the safety of you and your family.


If a small hole opens up on your property rope-off the area for safety, and call your insurance company. Also reach out to your local emergency management organization.


If you think a sinkhole is forming on your property, you should call your insurance company. They will dispatch an adjuster to determine if the hole or depression you’ve identified requires further investigation. If it does, the adjuster will engage an engineering company and send them to your property to begin testing.


If a sinkhole begins to open on your property and you see that your home is in imminent danger, evacuate immediately and contact your local emergency management organization. Place a call to your insurance company.

If Your Property Isn’t Impacted by a Sinkhole

If it’s determined that your property is not being impacted by a sinkhole, and you experience problems like sunken portions of your yard that collect water, and water pooling around your foundation, our team can engage environmental engineers to provide solutions for issues related to grading and water drainage.

Do You Need a Disaster Remediation Expert in Washtenaw County or Jackson County?

If your home has already been damaged, we can help. Check out our services and call Exact Recon for your free disaster remediation quote today. We offer: