When temperatures start to warm up, Michigan gets a little more humid. We’re not as bad as Florida, but we do have our share of humid days.

Unfortunately, that humidity quickly leads to mold growth if we’re not careful – and if you’re going on vacation, you could return to your house and millions of spores.

What You Need to Know About Mold Growth While You’re on Vacation

A lot of us turn off the HVAC system when we go on a trip, whether it’s overnight or a few weeks long – why pay the electric and gas companies when we’re not even going to be there, right?

Unfortunately, the air in your home has to be conditioned whether or not you’re there.

Here’s what to do before you head out:

  • Turn your air conditioner on and set it at 77 degrees
  • Crack a window (especially if you have double-hung windows with storm screens) to keep air circulating
  • Set up a dehumidifier near your sink, and certainly in your basement

Fast Mold Facts

Mold can start to grow and become visible in as little as 72 hours. The bottom line is that molds are everywhere – they’re indoors and outdoors, and it doesn’t take much to encourage them to grow. Usually, warm and humid conditions (like those inside your home when you turn off the air conditioning or heat) is where mold spores can thrive.

Related: What Every Homeowner Needs to Know About Mold

Microscopic mold spores travel through the air, so every time you open your door or a window, they can make their way into your home.

Some types of mold carry serious health risks, particularly for people who have allergies or asthma.

You can learn even more about mold here.

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