What Happens if You Don’t Clean Your Gutters?

Fall in Michigan is spectacular – and you don’t want to ruin yours by forgetting routine maintenance projects. Because fall’s right around the corner, here’s what you need to know about what happens if you don’t clean your gutters.

What Happens if You Don’t Clean Your Gutters?

If you don’t clean your gutters now, you’ll pay the price later. Sure, it’s not your favorite way to spend an afternoon – but the alternative is to spend quite a bit of cash (and a lot more time).

Your gutters are made to collect rainwater from your roof and carry it away from your home’s foundation via downspouts. Your gutters and your downspouts need to be clear so the water has a good path to travel. If they become clogged, the water will overflow.

When water doesn’t have anywhere to go because leaves and debris are acting like a drain plug, it does exactly what a sink or tub would do: it flows over the edge of its container. Water that falls down toward your foundation, it can sink in. It can even make its way into your basement or crawlspace.

So how much does foundation repair cost? It can cost more than $10,000 – but that’s not all. If water gets into your basement, you’re at risk for mold, which can be difficult to remove (and it poses serious health hazards).

Related: The mold remediation process

Clogged gutters can also put a strain on your roof. Overflowing water can rot the fascia (the boards behind them), which weakens the structural integrity of the entire roofing system. A new roof costs tens of thousands of dollars, too.

How Often Should You Clean Your Gutters?

You only need to clean your gutters a couple of times a year. Usually, we recommend once in the spring and once in the fall. However, if there’s a lot of wind – or if there’s a storm that wets down the leaves in your gutters – you might need to climb up there again.

Is it Too Late?

If you haven’t cleaned your gutters and you’re seeing some issues, like mold growth, you may need to call in the professionals for help. Check out our services and call Exact Recon for your free disaster remediation quote today. We offer:


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If your home has already been damaged, we can help. Check out our services and call Exact Recon for your free disaster remediation quote today. We offer: