If you’re like many people, you have a disaster preparedness bag ready to go in the event of a Michigan tornado, earthquake, fire or other natural disaster – and that’s great.

But is it stocked with these must-have medications that you may need if you’re forced out of your home due to a disaster?

Important Medications to Put in Your Preparedness Bag

While the medications you take every day need to be in your preparedness bag, you may not have thought about:

  • Triple antibiotic ointment or cream with pain-reliever
  • Imodium or something similar
  • Aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Benadryl

Related: What to store in an emergency preparedness bag

#1. Triple antibiotic ointment or cream with pain-reliever

A triple antibiotic ointment or cream is a must-have in your preparedness bag. If you’re leaving the area of a disaster, cuts and scrapes can easily become infected (especially if you’re dealing with sewage and other dangerous contaminants) if you don’t care for them properly.

#2. Imodium or something similar

Stress is a doozy, and if your home has been damaged in a disaster, you never know – it’s better safe than sorry.

#3. Aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen

When you’re running around, scrambling to find a disaster remediation expert and figure out what to do next (like find a hotel that can accommodate your family and your pets), you’re bound to get a headache – or other aches and pains. Having an over-the-counter pain reliever on-hand can go a long way to lessen your suffering.

#4. Benadryl

Allergic reactions are no joke, but having Benadryl on-hand will help keep everybody feeling fine. Benadryl works on pets, too, so if your four-legged family members get hives or a rash, call your vet and see if it’s okay to share.

Do You Need a Disaster Remediation Expert in Washtenaw County or Jackson County?

If your home has already been damaged, we can help. Check out our services and call Exact Recon for your free disaster remediation quote today. We offer: