There are a lot of things you probably know when it comes to a house fire, and preventing one. For instance, keeping a working fire extinguisher inside of your home, and inspecting it regularly. Not placing furniture and other combustible items too closely to a wood-burning fireplace, wood-burning stove, or a heating appliance. Establishing and periodically practicing a fire escape plan that has more than one route, and a set meeting place. If your body catches fire—to stop, drop, and roll. Here are four important things you probably didn’t know about house fires.

Thing #1. A Flashover Event

When combustible gases that are released from burning materials rise to the ceiling inside of a home they can simultaneously ignite and catch an entire room on fire. This event is known as a flashover. It can occur at 1,100 degrees and burst your doors and windows open—refueling a fire with oxygen.

Thing #2. Temperatures Inside of an Average House Fire

The temperature of an average house fire can reach as high as 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Because heat rises, temperatures will be the hottest at the ceiling. At eye level, heat from a fire can be about 600 degrees—hotter than your oven. At floor level, temperatures may be a few hundred degrees, or higher. Lower floor temperatures is a reason why it’s taught to stay low in a fire—there’s less heat and smoke.

Thing #3. Reaching Out to Your Fire Department

If you or someone in your family have limited mobility and require the use of a walker or a wheelchair, you can contact your local fire department and request that they make a record of those special needs. Be sure that the routes of your family’s fire escape plan sufficiently accommodate those who have limited mobility.

Thing #4. Treating Minor Burns

Don’t use cold water or ice to treat minor burns, since putting ice on a burn can damage your skin even more. Once a burn has cooled, you can apply lotion—one with a moisturizer or aloe vera.

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