4 Ways to Prepare Your Family for a Severe Storm

The possibility of extreme weather is ever present, and when it strikes you don’t have to simply hope you can weather the storm. There are ways you can prepare to increase the safety of you and your family. Take heed of these four recommendations.

Establish an Emergency Plan

It’s always best to have an established plan of action ahead of severe weather conditions, instead of simply reacting without direction in the middle of an emergency when things are often hectic and confused. Create a family plan that designates an emergency meeting place inside your home. Choose a safe area, like your basement, storm cellar, or an interior room with no windows on the lowest floor.

Practice the Plan

Once you have an emergency plan in place conduct periodic drills so members of your family can practice gathering at your designated meeting area. During the drill don’t forget to summon and gather your pets, too.

Prepare Alternative Lighting, Consider a Back-Up Power Source

During severe storms keep flashlights and other battery-powered lighting at the ready, since toppled trees can snap power lines, and lightning strikes can cause transformers to explode—all resulting in widespread power outages. You may consider installing a whole-house surge protector, or even investing in a back-up generator to maintain power to health-related equipment, refrigerated foods, and other essentials during outages that last for extended periods.

Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date with local news outlets to see if your area is at risk for severe weather. You can also sign up to receive local weather notifications, according to how the community where you live sends updates and warnings. Many jurisdictions will send text messages to smart phones and email alerts to residents informing them of impending inclement weather. In extreme conditions there are even some locales that use outdoor sirens.

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